วันเสาร์ที่ 7 มิถุนายน พ.ศ. 2557

Hi, my fellow English teachers
“How to be good English teacher?”
          As being English teacher, I’m sure that we are bearing the big task. The way we think and lead the class is what to determine our students’ success in the future. These are some tips I would like to share with you all.
Characteristics of highly effective teachers of English possesses 5 I’s
1.    Imagination: Develop student’s creative self-expression,                                  explore and create new things.
2.    Innovativeness:
-         Introducing changes and new ideas
-         Daring to be different and being unique
-         Going off the track in order to be on the track
-         Experimenting new things
-         Being fresh always
3.    Interaction: Empowering learners and helping them develop their communication skills
4.    Independent thinking:
-         Thinking on your own
-         Being critical of what you see and hear
-         Questioning information and irrational assumptions
5.    Interdependence:Be polite, pleasant, practical, persuasive and                                       powerful

Good teachers are not born but they are made!

Posted by Fatimah  Baka  teacher at BalukaYa-ing School.



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